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  • The But end of a Tornado...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20240921-P9219672-ORF (Custom).jpg
Views:	52
Size:	149.5 KB
ID:	509904

    Close up, you see how chunky these aircraft are, so need massive power plants to get and keep them in the air...

  • #2
    You showed that well Mark. Great detail.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      It is a mystery to me even when I know how it works. I am always amazed to see the hundreds of tons lift of the ground. Seeing the two holes here don't help . I presume they are jet engines
      Good shot Mark
      Better a full bottle in front of me
      than a full frontal lobotomy.


      • MJ224
        MJ224 commented
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        Yes a pair of RB199 engines, Rolls Royce and a European consortium

      • Isac
        Isac commented
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        As an apprentice for Dept of Civil Aviation back in the day our fire tenders had Rolls Royce engines. Pretty fancy stuff and great to work on. Mind you, not the type of engine I'd stick i n a plane !

    • #4
      They always look quite chunky to me Mark, and this really emphasises their size and the power required
      Alan W

      My Gallery


      • MJ224
        MJ224 commented
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        And to think these are whizzing around in the air at Mach 2.2.., or 1630mph

        I dread to think of their miles per gallon......

      • wigz
        wigz commented
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        Probably gallons per mile