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  • Nindigully Pub, south-western Qld

    G'day all

    Around Oz there are 1/2-dozen iconic pubs that are well known around the country and possibly around the world too. Probably the best known was the Ettamogah pub from comic book fame, and one of several copies now resides in north Albury. The pub below, the Nundigully pub is about an hour's drive south of St George in southern Queensland

    1)- The 'old' pub, now staff accommodation next to the main building

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/160s x F6,3; ISO-100; lens at 1x zoom / 35mm FFequiv

    2)- The main pub

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/400s x F6,3; ISO-100; lens at 1x zoom / 35mm FFequiv

    As always, feedback welcome
    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at

  • #2
    A truly iconic country pub Phil. #2 is my pick - excellent framing.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • #3
      Excellent images Phil with true Aussie colours. Great landmark in a bush town. My wife and I had few beers in the Ettamogah Pub on the Gold Coast and it was rather odd but wonderful too.
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • Ozzie_Traveller
        Ozzie_Traveller commented
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        Hi Isac
        And in yrs past we have also used the one at north Albury, NSW

      • Isac
        Isac commented
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        As long as the beers are cold Phil!