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  • Not going anywhere.

    #1 - Old and rusty.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	7340-Old_Rusty_Truck_Toodyay.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	140.6 KB
ID:	487651
    #2 - Its age shown on the windscreen.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	7356-Old_Rusty_Truck_Toodyay.jpg
Views:	72
Size:	119.0 KB
ID:	487650
    #3 - The lights have gone.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	7357-Old_Rusty_Truck_Toodyay.jpg
Views:	63
Size:	121.6 KB
ID:	487652
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

  • #2
    Great colour and texture Isac. It has certainly seen better days. That is some impressive lichen on the windscreen.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Alan. I took these in Toodyay during a walk in the bush. Apparantly 6–8% of the Earth's land surface is covered by lichens and there are about 20,000 known species. They look like a plant but they are just basically microorganisms. Interesting planet we live upon

    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      From what I’ve read they are a combination of fungi and algae

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I was generalising about the micro stuff but you are correct. They can mix with other microorganisms and expand to make their existence continue and keep growing. Strange stuff indeed.

  • #3
    G'day Mate

    +1 with Alan's thoughts
    ps- must be cold where you are #3 as those headlights sure do stand out

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Ha. Took me a while to get that.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      Cheers Phil. Oh you are aweful, but I like it!
      Toodyay is inland a bit - 80+ kms N-E of my home in Wattle Grove and it gets pretty nippy in winter.
      I placed new lights in it and it looked a bit weird.