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  • Wall murals in a country town

    G'day all

    Across Oz there are many small towns which beautify otherwise blank walls with murals of one sort or another. This group of murals comes from the NSW town of Kurri Kurri (meaning 'the first' ) - located about 200km NW of Sydney

    1)-- Always a Scottie ... all around the world, the Scot heritage is heard far and wide

    exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/80s x F3,6; ISO-250; Lens at 2x zoom / 48mm FFequiv

    2)-- A night at the Drive-in theatre

    exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/160s x F3,5; ISO-125; Lens at 2x zoom / 45mm FFequiv

    3)-- The bullock drover

    exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/80s x F3,9; ISO-200; Lens at 3x zoom / 75mm FFequiv

    4)-- School's in - 100 yrs ago and today (ps- painted onto timber wall-boards)

    exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/80s x F4,1; ISO-400; Lens at 4x zoom / 90mm FFequiv

    As always, feedback welcome
    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at

  • #2
    Don't you just hate people with talent like this. I know I am so jealous of them as I struggle with stick figures.
    But what is in my mind the stand out one is the last right down to the font in the numbers. I find this extra touch so good.
    But wish I could be as good as one of them as they have got what I wish I had.
    Nicely taken.


    • Ozzie_Traveller
      Ozzie_Traveller commented
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      Thanks mate ... you and me both the same here !
      One reason that I love the camera is that my hand plus a brush or crayon just does not get me anywhere ... and your ref to the font in the numbers is 100% on-the-button

  • #3
    That's a lot of excellent murals for one small town
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • Ozzie_Traveller
      Ozzie_Traveller commented
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      Hi Alan
      There were possibly 50 murals across the town - and some were in camera-inaccessible locations

  • #4
    There are a lot more and I was not familiar with those. You will have to go back
    Better a full bottle in front of me
    than a full frontal lobotomy.


    • Ozzie_Traveller
      Ozzie_Traveller commented
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      Hans - anything's possible !

  • #5
    Many great pieces of art you captured Phil. You've shown how good it is that people can firstly do the work and secondly that it's appreciated by all who live there. Art was my passion back in my school days and my highest marks ever were for my art. I haven't picked up the brushes since I left school in 1966. I envy these artists skills that you are displaying. Great presentation.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Ozzie_Traveller
      Ozzie_Traveller commented
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      G'day mate ... yes my brush skills were last utilised in school - I never seemed to have much co-ordination there, which is why I love the camera so much

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      Me too, quicker and no mess!