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  • Christmas Lights (1)

    What the heck! I couldn't resist shooting lots of Christmas lights a couple of blocks away. Nearly every home in this street was adorned with all the glowing lights and just looked fabulous. The amount of effort was incredible and it was an amazing sight to see. My grand daughter came with me and I took some of her amongst the lights - she was very excited!
    I used my tripod, set the camera to Manual, ISO 100, White Balance to Tungsten and then adjusted the aperture and shutter speed to what looked good on the LCD. By having a slower shutter I got all the lights in their flashing, fading or on/off cycle. I think they tirned out OK.

    #1 - Manual | f/8 | 0.8 sec | ISO 100 | 18 mm | Metering: Multi-segment | 0 EV
    Click image for larger version

Name:	4782-Christmas_Lights.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	113.1 KB
ID:	483061
    #2 - Manual | f/6.3 | 1 sec | ISO 100 | 18 mm | Metering: Multi-segment | 0 EV
    Click image for larger version

Name:	4785-Christmas_Lights.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	484.5 KB
ID:	483063
    #3 - Manual | f/6.3 | 2 sec | ISO 100 | 18 mm | Metering: Multi-segment | 0 EV
    Click image for larger version

Name:	4789-Christmas_Lights.jpg
Views:	38
Size:	125.1 KB
ID:	483062
    #4 - Manual | f/9 | 2 sec | ISO 100 | 35 mm | Metering: Multi-segment | 0 EV
    Click image for larger version

Name:	4795-Christmas_Lights.jpg
Views:	40
Size:	105.7 KB
ID:	483064
    #5 - Manual | f/6.3 | 2 sec | ISO 100 | 18 mm | Metering: Multi-segment | 0 EV
    Click image for larger version

Name:	4799-Christmas_Lights.jpg
Views:	45
Size:	101.1 KB
ID:	483060
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

  • #2
    G'day Isac

    A good collection of happy scenes ...... x3

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Phil. It's a great time of year regardless of the crappy year it has been for many.

  • #3
    They go all out in your neck of the woods. I have not seen any in our street. I wondered why you chose iso 100 the flashers explained it.
    Better a full bottle in front of me
    than a full frontal lobotomy.


    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      Cheers Hans. I'm sure you could throw a few fairy lights over some of your trees! 100 ISO works really well. Plenty of light from the scenes as you say.