Ain't it great? Aussie sense of humour raising it's head again. If that's the one in Childers I believe that it's the oldest dentist practice in Australia - my son lives in Qld and told me that ages ago.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Wonderful sign Phil. Been through Childers, and stopped for fuel, coffee and food many times but never noticed this, but we've mostly kept to the main street. Very nice little town.
It is half-way down the main street, but as it's a narrow street and had ALL the Bruce Hwy traffic & trucks rolling along it, most people just run fast to get out of the road of the traffic. I certainly had to wait for a break in the trucks rolling past
Maybe on your next visit ...?