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  • Two of the locals

    Enjoying a shady spot on a hot Brissie day.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	locals.jpg
Views:	123
Size:	529.2 KB
ID:	475419
    I shoot a Canon 90D with a few bits of glass.

  • #2
    G'day Kevin

    Good one matey .... well spotted and good to see that some 'special' locals get priority treatment at the bus stop -or wherever-
    ps- I do find it somewhat amazing at how artists / sculptors / welders in this case - can put together such beaut items from a bundle of scrap

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • kevinj
      kevinj commented
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      These are scttered around Brisbane,not always safely,some real tripping hazards but you have to admire the skill involved.

  • #3
    I agree with Phil. I'm amazed at the talent we have in this country. Lovely "local" photo. We have similar with a dog and kangaroo riding a tandem bicycle. Makes for a good talking point and great for tourists and their iPhone cameras.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • kevinj
      kevinj commented
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      Not many tourist due to Covid but I have seen Busloads of Asian Tourists lining up to take a pic in the past.