My B.I.L. restored an old Skoda Trekka and being a rare vehicle couldn't refuse an offer from the Skoda Museum in the Czech Republic city of Mlada Boleslav, so he sold it to them and now it's on display in the museum!
The Trekka was a light utility vehicle manufactured in New Zealand between 1966 and 1973. It is the only vehicle designed and manufactured in New Zealand to have entered commercial production for an extended period. It is an off-road vehicle, 2-door pickup.
This is the restored Trekka.

The Trekka was a light utility vehicle manufactured in New Zealand between 1966 and 1973. It is the only vehicle designed and manufactured in New Zealand to have entered commercial production for an extended period. It is an off-road vehicle, 2-door pickup.
This is the restored Trekka.