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  • Duyfken

    Duyfken came to town today. Arrived at 11 in bright overheadish-backlight, in cloud free sky, with a flotilla of riff raff and the sails down.
    So... did this to it.
    Duyfken by Joanne, on Flickr
    Clouds courtesy of yesterday morning.
    Haven't been there, not done that.

  • #2
    Love it Jo

    When I first looked at it ..... I thought 'how amazing is that sky to go with it' ..... looks great, well done
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      well, the sky technically, is at the same place as the Duyfken... only 24 and a bit hours eariler. :-)

  • #3
    Great photo Jo.

    I had a tour of the Duyfken when it docked in Weipa about 15 or so years ago, I didn't get a photo as good as yours though.
    Duyfken Point near Weipa was named after the original, as it landed near there way back when. I think it was in the 1600's.
    Cheers, Brad.


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Well that is interesting. I did get some closer up shots as it motored (yes motored) past. So many bits and pieces.

  • #4
    When the ship was side on.. I was too close with the zoom lens.

    duyfken mandurah by Joanne, on Flickr

    duyfken mandurah by Joanne, on Flickr
    Haven't been there, not done that.


    • #5
      Wow, great looking Tall ship. I'd have fun remembering the sheets and halyards on that one. Well presented Jo.


      • Phoenix
        Phoenix commented
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        Thank you for the feedback Seaslug. It is amazing. So amazingly cluttered too.

    • #6
      All lovely shots Phoenix. I can see your excitement in the shots, just as I was to get a few of her a few years back at Geographe bay and recently at Fremantle. It's a clever achievement of old and new combined. Well done with the sky replacement. How did you do that? I think IMO that it could do with a rainbow and a small amount of blur. That's it - I give it a 9/10
      I Shoot A Canon

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      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • Phoenix
        Phoenix commented
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        Appreciate the CC. Where about with the blur? Are you thinking the sky or all over?

    • #7
      You did a good job on that. Made it into something that is a pleasure to look at.
      Better a full bottle in front of me
      than a full frontal lobotomy.


      • Phoenix
        Phoenix commented
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        Thank you Hans. Sadly it left yesterday.. just before I could have another go at it... I wonder if it had it sails up when it went?

    • #8
      Lovely Jo, the first one is brilliant!
      Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


      • #9
        Jo are you able to explain how you were able to select the complexity of the rigging and place it over the new sky? That's beyond my skills at the moment..


        • Phoenix
          Phoenix commented
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          Hi Greg, The ship was in shadow and the sky was bright behind it. I shot to get the exposure right for the ship which left the sky blown.
          You can see how the sky looked in it's original form behind images 2 and 3. It is plain and in image 1 even whiter.
          Nothing on the ship is white (not even the sails) so using the magic eraser tool in PS i adjusted the tolerance until it left the ship intact and complete erased the sky. I think it was around 20 tolerance.
          I had taken a few sky shots the day before so I cut and pasted the image onto one of them and they sky filled the erased parts.
          The sea/sky line had a few blurty bits.. which I softened.
          The bright white sky was my friend and made it an easy process.
          I hope this helps and please let me know if it makes no sense.
          Last edited by Phoenix; 17-09-2016, 09:54 PM.

        • seaslug
          seaslug commented
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          Thanks Jo, I'll try and get my head around that. I've never used the magic eraser (never knew it existed actually). Something else to learn. Thanks again.

      • #10
        Wonderful Jo - skillfully done

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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        • Phoenix
          Phoenix commented
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          Thanks Alan, I am glad you approve :-)

      • #11
        I googled "history of the Duyfken" just to brush up on when she visited the West Coast of Cape York. The year was 1606 when she made landfall just to the north of Weipa.
        Cheers, Brad.


        • Phoenix
          Phoenix commented
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          Thanks for the history lesson Brad. I do wonder where that original old girl is?