We have 'architecture' as a theme for the camera club next month and surprisingly in colour, so took advantage of a trip to Rockhampton. We have boring landscape here in Gladstone

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The 1st is not that interesting to me(The opinion of others may vary), but the railway station certainly has appeal with the contrast against the sky and as mentioned the detailed patterns...plenty of opportunities next time you guys get up that way.
What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.
#1 .......trying to get too much in; pick interesting angles and chase that. ........ think outside the norm.........everyone will do a stand there straight on to the subject and snap a photo ...........get on the ground...get on a ladder........walk around and LOOK without the camera
the winning picture is there
BTW: often a LONG lens is better for such photos
BTW#2 the second image is not straight