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  • Mildura Bridge (Sorry!)

    Thought I had posted this recently but went looking and couldn't find it. (Losing the plot maybe?)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Mildura Bridge.jpg
Views:	156
Size:	206.6 KB
ID:	405226

    Cleaned the offensive graffiti off before posting

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

  • #2
    Hey that looks like a really good photo of the Mildura Bridge. You do have another thread thats title the same but definitely not a bridge.
    If you wish to Learn first learn silence.
    Cheers Pete.


    • #3
      Nice lines in this Gaz.

      Maybe it could benefit from a tighter composition?

      Here's my effort. Reduced the amount of sky on the RHS till roughly the same width as the base of the pylon on left for balance, then cropped a bit off the top to simplify the image and hopefully accentuate the lines and angles of the image.

      Removed the colour cast just to see what it looks like then did a b&w version with a slight copper tone as I think this image suits.

      One point to consider with b&w is 'how important is colour to the scene'. In this case, not at all really so worth having a look at b&w.

      Just thinking out loud here Gaz.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_26474nb.jpg
Views:	74
Size:	116.6 KB
ID:	405238
      Canon EOS 7D

      Focal Length




      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_26474n.jpg
Views:	73
Size:	109.8 KB
ID:	405236
      Canon EOS 7D

      Focal Length




      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • loose cannon
        loose cannon commented
        Editing a comment
        Hmmm...posted the colour one first and certainly didn't want to have such a large space between the two. Oh well, life goes on.

    • #4
      I like images with strong lines like this. Nice light on the underside of it too.


      • #5
        Originally posted by Pete View Post
        Hey that looks like a really good photo of the Mildura Bridge. You do have another thread thats title the same but definitely not a bridge.
        Thanks for the compliment Pete, glad you liked it...appreciated.

        Originally posted by loose cannon View Post
        Nice lines in this Gaz.

        Maybe it could benefit from a tighter composition?

        Here's my effort. Reduced the amount of sky on the RHS till roughly the same width as the base of the pylon on left for balance, then cropped a bit off the top to simplify the image and hopefully accentuate the lines and angles of the image.

        Removed the colour cast just to see what it looks like then did a b&w version with a slight copper tone as I think this image suits.

        One point to consider with b&w is 'how important is colour to the scene'. In this case, not at all really so worth having a look at b&w.

        Just thinking out loud here Gaz.
        Thanks for taking the time Mick, the tighter composition and B&W certainly makes for a stronger you say, I should consider B&W more often.
        I played around with the composition for a little while but obviously didn't go that far, it's always good to get an opinion from a fresh set of eyes.(Start to go cross-eyed looking at the same image for too long sometimes)
        I'll be honest...never noticed the colour cast until you pointed it out (That cross-eyed syndrome again)
        ...thanks for your help.

        Originally posted by P Plates View Post
        I like images with strong lines like this. Nice light on the underside of it too.
        Thanks Gabby, it's worth getting up early for that warming light, the sunrise didn't produce much and this was result of looking for something else to take home for my efforts.

        PS for Loose Cannon,
        Hmmm...posted the colour one first and certainly didn't want to have such a large space between the two. Oh well, life goes on.
        There is some 'Code' showing EXIF data in between pics which shows up when you swipe your mouse over. Have seen it before on some of your posts...a good idea if the Font was a different colour.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	smileys-cheers-572144.gif
Views:	69
Size:	27.7 KB
ID:	405262

        What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
        CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


        • #6
          [QUOTEThere is some 'Code' showing EXIF data in between pics which shows up when you swipe your mouse over. Have seen it before on some of your posts...a good idea if the Font was a different colour.][/QUOTE]

          Ah, I see that now. Wonder where that came from?
          Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


          • Gaz
            Gaz commented
            Editing a comment
            Not sure where it came from, but if it can be refined would make adding 'EXIF Data' a lot easier