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  • East Shores

    One bonus about living in an industrial city is some of the companies are good corporate citizens. One has just completed a waterpark, bbq area on the east shore of the creek that leads into the marina.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	084-East-Shore.jpg
Views:	40
Size:	239.6 KB
ID:	402308

    Click image for larger version

Name:	049-buoy.jpg
Views:	35
Size:	240.7 KB
ID:	402309

  • #2
    Interesting use of the buoys as sculptures. My Grandkids love the waterpark at Southport!


    • #3
      It's incredibly popular late afternoon/early evening. Water goes off at 9p.m. I believe. I want to get some night shots of it, hoping the crowds lessen somewhat when school starts again.


      • #4
        Good to see the big companies putting back into the community...
        Very colourful area...getting low and up close with that wide angle really make me feel like I'm seeing it through the kids eyes

        Last edited by Gaz; 17-01-2015, 07:27 AM. Reason: Spelling....

        What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
        CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


        • #5
          Thanks Gaz. We do have some good corporate citizens. The Ports Authority puts a lot back into the community so it's a worry that the govt is thinking of leasing it.


          • #6
            Thanks Riddick

