I had to fill in an hour yesterday, so I took the D90 and kit lens for a walk along Lake Burley Griffin.
The light was very average and it was very hot, but I discovered some places I hadn't seen before.
#1 A walkway from nowhere to nowhere - possibly waiting for some future building

#2 Stretching across more than 20 metres of ground in the Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Australia, Bert Flugelman’s reflective steel “Cones” has assumed an iconic presence.

#3 Dadang Christanto’s 'Heads from the North' (2004) in a marsh pond. Australian National Gallery, Sculpture Garden. A pop up cafe now blocks the viewing area unfortunately, so I had to try to take a photo over/through some reeds.

#4 This was taken in 2008 from where the cafe is now. A fog sculpture by Fujiko Nakaya produces a fine mist which makes the scene even eerier. It also was not working yesterday

#5 Part of the same pond in the Sculpture Garden. Hard to image it's in the heart of a city.

#6 High Court

#7 High Court Water Feature
The light was very average and it was very hot, but I discovered some places I hadn't seen before.
#1 A walkway from nowhere to nowhere - possibly waiting for some future building

#2 Stretching across more than 20 metres of ground in the Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Australia, Bert Flugelman’s reflective steel “Cones” has assumed an iconic presence.

#3 Dadang Christanto’s 'Heads from the North' (2004) in a marsh pond. Australian National Gallery, Sculpture Garden. A pop up cafe now blocks the viewing area unfortunately, so I had to try to take a photo over/through some reeds.

#4 This was taken in 2008 from where the cafe is now. A fog sculpture by Fujiko Nakaya produces a fine mist which makes the scene even eerier. It also was not working yesterday

#5 Part of the same pond in the Sculpture Garden. Hard to image it's in the heart of a city.

#6 High Court

#7 High Court Water Feature
