been out checking the bower again today.
some rain had widened it a little and some stuff grown up to block the view a bit
there were 3 females and a male there. male was dancing a bit but in bush on other side so no pix there.
females were dancing a bit too and picking up blue stuff and re arranging it.
thinking I should have gone for movie stuff instead of stills cos it just didnt really do justice to what I saw.
for those overseas or otherwise unfamiliar with bower birds,
the male builds an arch, or bower from sticks which he decorates with blue things that he collects,
the aim being to impress the females to hopefully breed with him.
satin bowerbirds particularly like blue stuff. there are 2 or 3 bits of blue stuff visible in this pic.
not a clear shot on offer of this bower. so taken laying in the mud.
d5 600f4 1/500 f8 iso 3200

some rain had widened it a little and some stuff grown up to block the view a bit
there were 3 females and a male there. male was dancing a bit but in bush on other side so no pix there.
females were dancing a bit too and picking up blue stuff and re arranging it.
thinking I should have gone for movie stuff instead of stills cos it just didnt really do justice to what I saw.
for those overseas or otherwise unfamiliar with bower birds,
the male builds an arch, or bower from sticks which he decorates with blue things that he collects,
the aim being to impress the females to hopefully breed with him.
satin bowerbirds particularly like blue stuff. there are 2 or 3 bits of blue stuff visible in this pic.
not a clear shot on offer of this bower. so taken laying in the mud.
d5 600f4 1/500 f8 iso 3200