there was a pair of wedgetails on the ground in some longer grass, eating something smallish probably a rabbit. saw them at a distance and decided to try to close the gap to get into a decent position. easier said than done really but I closed the gap a decent amount but never did get the light where I wanted it. About halfway to these pix, they became aware of me (you reckon eagles have good vision) but kept feeding. the approach wasnt directly at them cos that is a sure way to spook wildlife. I was taking pix as I got closer cos I was sure they would go. eventually got to behind a small rise and almost got them in the clear. the vertical format shot is right when one looked right at me and a second later it was all over. the other one took another morsel and flew also.
d5 600f4 tc17 (1000mm) f8 iso 1600 first pic 1/1250 2nd pic 1/2000. first pic full frame cropped to portrait, 2nd pic about 80% frame. wishing for all the eagles to be visible but had to settle for these
d5 600f4 tc17 (1000mm) f8 iso 1600 first pic 1/1250 2nd pic 1/2000. first pic full frame cropped to portrait, 2nd pic about 80% frame. wishing for all the eagles to be visible but had to settle for these