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  • A few game birds

    Another evening walk about.

    Hen pheasant

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Hen Pheasant.jpg
Views:	128
Size:	245.4 KB
ID:	489855

    Partridge playing hide and seek- for no other reason than it amused me. (Wasn't watching the ISO which had climbed to 6400).

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Hide and seek.jpg
Views:	111
Size:	245.8 KB
ID:	489856

    red legged partridge as it should look (one I took earlier)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Red Legged Partridge.jpg
Views:	112
Size:	242.6 KB
ID:	489857

  • #2
    Nicely done ..... Love the red legged Partridge as they are quite tame and let you get quite close normally.


    • #3
      Nice shots of birds we don't normally see downunder. I think that #1 is the pick for me.
      The 7D/150-600 combo is great isn't it?
      My Gear


      • #4
        Nice shots, especially the red-legged partridge.

        I was watching a program recently on these two species. I found it quite shocking that up until the pandemic about 33milion birds are imported to the UK each year, about half of the population released for shooting. Since the pandemic the number has dropped to about 24 million. So that means 48 million birds are either shot, predated, die of disease or are hit by cars each year. It is a massive industry.
        Always feel free to rip apart any image of mine I post.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rebel06 Paul View Post
          Nicely done ..... Love the red legged Partridge as they are quite tame and let you get quite close normally.
          Thanks Paul. We have them regularly visiting the garden and clearing up under the feeders. Don't seem to mind people or cats just do their own thing.

          Originally posted by Grumpy John View Post
          Nice shots of birds we don't normally see downunder. I think that #1 is the pick for me.
          The 7D/150-600 combo is great isn't it?
          I was really pleased with the way #1 turned out and yes the 7d + siggy 150-600 is a great combination, although until I saw your shots of the honeyeater I wouldn't usually risk such high ISOs.

          Originally posted by Phill104 View Post
          Nice shots, especially the red-legged partridge.

          I was watching a program recently on these two species. I found it quite shocking that up until the pandemic about 33milion birds are imported to the UK each year, about half of the population released for shooting. Since the pandemic the number has dropped to about 24 million. So that means 48 million birds are either shot, predated, die of disease or are hit by cars each year. It is a massive industry.
          Thanks Phil.
          These have recently been released. We live on a shooting estate so unfortunately many of these birds will be in the firing line from the end of this month until February (a lot do survive and breed in the wild). I believe there has been a shortage this year and young birds for rearing have been fetching up to £15 per head. I much prefer to shoot them with my camera.


          • #6
            I often wonder about hunting and where the challenge is. When being bread in my area they are often fed by a keeper in a diesel Land Rover. As soon as they hear the sound of that ending they come running for food. So when the shoot arrives, often with the same engines they birds must think they are getting lunch instead of being lunch. At £15 a head * up to 48million that is a lot of money involved.

            like you, shooting with a camera is what I would prefer. Cards on the table though, I am a weirdo veggie since I was 12 so I may be a tad biased lol.

            Back to the images, is that the 7D or the 7D2? I still own both and am very impressed how clean your images look. What is your process?
            Always feel free to rip apart any image of mine I post.


            • #7

              Originally posted by Phill104 View Post
              I often wonder about hunting and where the challenge is. When being bread in my area they are often fed by a keeper in a diesel Land Rover. As soon as they hear the sound of that ending they come running for food. So when the shoot arrives, often with the same engines they birds must think they are getting lunch instead of being lunch. At £15 a head * up to 48million that is a lot of money involved.

              like you, shooting with a camera is what I would prefer. Cards on the table though, I am a weirdo veggie since I was 12 so I may be a tad biased lol.
              Back to the images, is that the 7D or the 7D2? I still own both and am very impressed how clean your images look. What is your process?
              I have heard of people paying £1000 for one days shooting. The old saying more money than sense comes to mind.

              The first two were taken with the 7D mark 2 the last one with the 7D. Firstly shoot raw. I am not much into editing but I do a levels adjustment if required, re-size then noise reduction, followed by tweaking the contrast and finally sharpen to taste. #1 and #2 didn't need much. #2 was at ISO 6400 so I applied a bit more noise reduction. finally save as JPEG. Can't remember what I did with #3 as it was taken some time ago but it wouldn't have been much different.

              These were SOC.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Hide and seekSOC.jpg
Views:	97
Size:	241.5 KB
ID:	489931

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Hen PheasantSOC.jpg Views:	8 Size:	246.7 KB ID:	489891
              Last edited by AlfandBen; 03-09-2022, 03:24 PM.


              • #8
                good to see birds from other countries. hen phesant is my fav or these, for the pose and monochrome feel. game birds huh, hope you didnt shoot them after the pix
                Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


                • #9
                  As it has been said already that it is good to see birds from other parts of the world.
                  I know what you mean by the ISO climbing as well as it has done the same thing to me but I have moved it in my camera to stop it from happening now.
                  No favourite are coming from me as I like them all, well done.


                  • #10
                    Great looking birds

                    I remember years ago when I could walk the countryside, I could walk by and easily miss them, they would not move until I was almost on top of them, then the noise of them taking off would scare me out of my boots.

                    Lovely to see AlfandBen


                    PJ-Cam on Flickr


                    • #11
                      #1 & #2 has my vote


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by avkomp View Post
                        good to see birds from other countries. hen phesant is my fav or these, for the pose and monochrome feel. game birds huh, hope you didnt shoot them after the pix
                        Thanks Stephen, the hen is almost perfectly camouflaged and no I didn't shoot them. Really don't like eating them.

                        Originally posted by Ralph View Post
                        As it has been said already that it is good to see birds from other parts of the world.
                        I know what you mean by the ISO climbing as well as it has done the same thing to me but I have moved it in my camera to stop it from happening now.
                        No favourite are coming from me as I like them all, well done.
                        Cheers Ralph, from what I've seen so far your birds are a lot more colourful than the ones I see around here. I have my ISO set to 6400 max at the moment so may have to think about reducing it.

                        Originally posted by Paul-UK View Post
                        Great looking birds

                        I remember years ago when I could walk the countryside, I could walk by and easily miss them, they would not move until I was almost on top of them, then the noise of them taking off would scare me out of my boots.

                        Lovely to see AlfandBen


                        PJ-Cam on Flickr
                        Thanks Paul, at the moment they are every where making it difficult to drive around without adding to the roadkill tally.

                        Originally posted by dolina View Post
                        #1 & #2 has my vote
                        Thanks Dolina.


                        • #13
                          As others have mentioned, great shots. Just a hint, you can set a max ISO in both 7D and 7Dii.
                          Page 157 of the 7Dii manual shows how to set the ISO speed range to help avoid very high ISO.
                          I Shoot A Canon

                          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
                          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
                          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

