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  • Kookaburra in the Park

    We have a park close by next to the Aldi shopping complex and it always has a good variety of birds flitting about the many trees. This kookaburra visited today and it was not worried about Charlie and I standing close by.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	0378-Kookaburra.jpg
Views:	69
Size:	444.5 KB
ID:	487826
    Click image for larger version

Name:	0349-Kookaburra.jpg
Views:	56
Size:	100.6 KB
ID:	487827
    Click image for larger version

Name:	0371-Kookaburra.jpg
Views:	54
Size:	109.4 KB
ID:	487828
    #4 - with a galah keeping watch on a nearby branch.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	0353-Kookaburra_Galah.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	109.0 KB
ID:	487829
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

  • #2
    Excellent colour and detail in these, particularly #1 and #2 Isac, and #2 is right in your face.

    Well done in #4 for capturing a Kookaburra and a Galah in the same shot.

    #3 doesn't appeal to me as much as it is facing away and partly obscured and there is a bit too much tree trunk. Nice background though.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for that Alan. These were quick edits and I removed a lot of twigs that were near the bird in 1 & 2. I posted #3 because of the bird trying to hide after it spotted something on the ground which I thought was a "Peek-a-Boo" moment and also the diagonal position of the tree. Sometimes things don't work

  • #3
    Did you replace the sky or put a mask or something on in photos 1 and 2? Something looks not quite natural in those shots to me. There is quite a bit of bad chromatic aberration on the left of #2 beside the wing.
    I like the pose in #1. To me it is the strongest of the set.


    • #4
      I did a few repairs to #2.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	0349-Kookaburra.jpg
Views:	39
Size:	80.8 KB
ID:	487960
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

