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  • Chestnut-rumped Thornbill

    A track a fair old distance from home in Mildura I think is where I got these shots and this on as I think sat up quite nicely for me. Click image for larger version

Name:	Underbool Track 6-07-2022 (1575).jpg
Views:	77
Size:	476.2 KB
ID:	487740
    1 = Sitting nicely
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Underbool Track 6-07-2022 (1580).jpg
Views:	66
Size:	400.6 KB
ID:	487741
    2 = I think worked out well.

  • #2
    Very nice Ralph. I think #2 is the better shot here as it doesn't have the shadow on the bird like #1. The birds colour matches that of the plant very well and they are both well separated from the background.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • Ralph
      Ralph commented
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      Thanks and I see what you mean but for me it is fine as it is what I actually like. But I understand this isn't what others may like. On this day I got the Shy Heathwren but they are far from good but my very 1st shots of one. And I will blame the bird as it is so quick and I am getting slower as well. But again passable for me but I will try to get a better shot so it can be posted as it is supposed to be hard to get here and I now know why.

  • #3
    What Alan said, #2 is a pearler. You do get shots of some very special birds Ralph. Well photographed.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Ralph
      Ralph commented
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      Thanks mate. I was pleased even though I do have quite a few shots I think these are better. I would love to see what a 600mm lens would give me on these little ones as most little birds are so flighty and this being no different so I just push until I feel I can go no further. So 1 out of 2 is an okay rate.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I know how you feel with some of the faster birds. I've been trying to get better shots of the yellow rumped thornbill. I have plenty but not good enough to post IMHO. They are very shy and as soon as I move closer they take off. I might put on my 500mm and see what I can get.

    • Ralph
      Ralph commented
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      I know what you mean with them as I have got good shots but not real sure if postable. They hop about the ground here so I need to speed things up to capture them. But forget as soon as I see them. And as you said a 500mm could do the trick as you need to be close before they take off.