I have noticed this one at the lake lately and seems to have settled in nicely, but it is still very timid. It seems to think it's not noticed when it's roaming around amongst the other ducks.
Up high in a leafless tree.

I took a few shots then walked away, turned back and he was still in the tree. I took an 18mm shot and then zoomed in to 400mm.
This is why the Tamron 18-400 is my carry-around lens.
18mm - hardly notice the bird.

400mm - Ah, that's what it is!

Roaming among the ducks.
Up high in a leafless tree.
I took a few shots then walked away, turned back and he was still in the tree. I took an 18mm shot and then zoomed in to 400mm.
This is why the Tamron 18-400 is my carry-around lens.
18mm - hardly notice the bird.
400mm - Ah, that's what it is!
Roaming among the ducks.