Cheers Hans. The birds were kind to me yesterday, for a change.
I would like to do a couple of books one day, one for Birds, another for Jumping Spiders . I need more good images first though.
Thanks Todd. I think from memory, I used f11 on this shot, and some of the others. Another bonus of using the Better Beamer for fill light is your can get away with a narrower aperture.
Agree with all above Ironwood. I reckon you would have been quite chuffed by seeing the 3 kookas together like that in #3. Nice work getting natural shots of our feathered friends.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Thanks Isac. I could hear there was a few Kookies up in the tree, I had to walk over to get sight of them, was certainly nice to see them grouped together like that.
Thanks Alan. I actually shot another 3 bird species, but didn’t add them because they were poor shots.
But I can relate to your unproductive day, it has happened to me also