The AF is playing up on my Tamron 150-600, so these were manually focused ( on a tripod ) D7100, & Better beamer to add a bit of fill light.

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All bird Photos.
Great shots Ironwood. Lovely detail and colour. #3 for me just because of the pops of red and the the determination of the bird which doesn't seem to mind bending itself out of shape, just to get the prize!I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
G'day Brad
All 3 are okay to me ... don't fuss over the fact that an image is less than perfect > truth be known, most of us have such images regularly and we still call 'em "keepers"
> Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
> recent images at
The dynamic in #3 makes up for any focus issue, particularly at this size. Well done on getting the focus manually, that couldn't have been easy. Exposure looks good too considering the bright background.
Thanks Phil, Greg and Alan. It’s interesting that #3 has the popular vote, despite the focus, I certainly don’t disagree, but I was disappointed when I saw that I had missed the focus a bit.
No one has spotted the second bird yet in #3 ?Cheers, Brad.