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  • Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

    Calyptorhynchus funereus Enjoying breakfast yesterday. Moruya Heads

    D7000 16-300 Tamron handheld@185mm. f/6.3 1/1000 1600 ISO


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram

  • #2
    They certainly are a beautiful bird Alan. Well captured with that 16-300. good detail and colours are great. As you know I work (volunteer) with the Black Cockatoos and they are a very special bird. Unfortunately all 3 species (Carnaby's, Baudins and Forrest Red Tailed) in our South West are now on the Endangered list - sad and shameful.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      Lovely shots Alan. I think they have captured the cheeky nature of the bird very well.
      Cheers, Brad.


      • #4
        Thanks - wonderful birds for sure
        Last edited by Alan; 28-01-2017, 03:49 PM.

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #5
          Love the way you have captured their character.
          If it wasn't for pine tree, I suspect they'd all be extinct here by now.
          And even a lot of the pines have perished to bush fires.

          Haven't been there, not done that.


          • Isac
            Isac commented
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            The pines are a bit of a delicacy for our own black cockatoos Phoenix. Unfortunately they contain fatty oils and aren't that good for them. Lots of groups are involved in trying to help the survival of our Baudin's and Carnaby's.

        • #6
          Thanks Jo,

          Luckily we have Casuarinas in the Nat Park nearby and a few pine trees in the old Caravan Park site next to the Park, so they tend to hang around and delight us with their presence, calls and languid flight.

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #7
            Beautiful shots. It certainly looks to have a cheeky grin.
            Alan W

            My Gallery


            • #8
              I do love the black cockatoos Alan, that's why I volunteer at Kaarakin. Here's a link to the calendar I did for them to help raise a few dollars. Kaarakin Calendar 2017.
              I Shoot A Canon

              Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
              I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
              I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


              • Alan
                Alan commented
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                Great work Greg. Looks stunning and such a worthwhile project to be a part of.

                Yeah, I'd work there for nothing too

              • Isac
                Isac commented
                Editing a comment
                I appreciate your comments Alan, many thanks. It is a privilege to work with these folk - they are so giving and caring, I am in awe.

            • #9
              Lovely catch Alan, I like it where he is looking at you.
              Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


              • #10
                I missed an opportunity to photograph a few of them this year, but looking at your images you've portrayed some of their characteristics. Great set Alan!
                Cheers Richard !


                • #11
                  Lovely to see. We get them here at home sometimes.
                  Kathie M Thomas,
                  I'm a Nikon girl
                  Web Flickr


                  • #12
                    good work on these. the pine needles seem to lift this shot imho
                    Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


                    • #13
                      Thanks again. They are still around and calling to me to watch them flying over

                      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

                      Flickr Instagram

