Arachnophobic I am not, but I must admit I was feeling a bit like the Hobit captured by Shelob about 25 metres into it all. Only the zoom lens on hand.. really doesn't do the sheer amount and variety of spiders justice. I've never seen this many before.
Walls of spider webs. by Joanne, on Flickr
I have never managed to get close to a sharp-tailed sandpiper... This one, I suspect, never expected someone to get through a million orb weavers of various kinds and this much web. I was photographing a distant pelican under a bridge when... it appeared and disappeared. Got one shot. :-)
Sharp tailed sandpiper by Joanne, on Flickr
I think pied oyster catchers are just so photogenic. This one was going about its daily karate kata.
a pair of pied oyster catchers by Joanne, on Flickr

I have never managed to get close to a sharp-tailed sandpiper... This one, I suspect, never expected someone to get through a million orb weavers of various kinds and this much web. I was photographing a distant pelican under a bridge when... it appeared and disappeared. Got one shot. :-)

I think pied oyster catchers are just so photogenic. This one was going about its daily karate kata.
