I disturbed a nest of Tawny's by accident when I was doing some repairs on my driveway yesterday. It seems they had a burrow under a large rock beside the driveway, about 6 or 8 took off, a couple not too far. I went back to the house and grabbed the camera off the verandah, it had the 105 macro lens on, I thought it would be OK because I could get pretty close to one of the young ones that was in a tree beside the driveway...
As it turned out, it wasn't up to the task, it had trouble focusing in the lowlight( seemed to be front-focussing), but I got these 3 shots, while not great they will have to do.

As it turned out, it wasn't up to the task, it had trouble focusing in the lowlight( seemed to be front-focussing), but I got these 3 shots, while not great they will have to do.