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  • Royal Spoonbill

    On approach for landing. I went back to Tygum Park this morning. There wasn't a lot around, but managed to get a few decent shots.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20161115_Tygum_0024_sml.jpg
Views:	58
Size:	93.5 KB
ID:	434859
    Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 + 1.4x TC @ 420mm. 1/2500, f/5.6, ISO 400.
    Alan W

    My Gallery

  • #2
    Nice light that highlights the wing. Square crop seems to work too

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • #3
      Beautiful capture Alan
      Love the detail you have captured.
      "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


      • #4
        Thanks Alan and Barb
        Alan W

        My Gallery


        • #5
          good wing details in this. not an ideal head position but the details in the wings etc makes it worth it.
          idly curious what percent of frame this is? bit hard to tell from the d800 images
          Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


          • wigz
            wigz commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks Stephen. It's about one third of the frame going by pixels. I thought it was more and was a bit surprised when I actually checked.

        • #6
          I figured it was cropped a fair bit, but with the extra pixels on the d800 is a tough call to tell sometimes.
          if I can I try not to have to crop my pix, not an easy gig though. keeping them big in the frame makes for harder practice too, cos they are closer and have a higher radial velocity, but if you can get the hang of it, the ones further away become way easier for you.
          Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter

