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  • Dusky Wood Swallow

    The only shot I've got of one of these so I'll take it even though it stretches the friendship.

    Only had my multipurpose Panasonic with me and the bird was quite high in the tree. Now I know where they hang out I might get a better opportunity with the big Sigma another day.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Wood-Swallow.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	60.5 KB
ID:	433365

    Panasonic FZ300 F3.5 1/1600 ISO 100

  • #2
    Is ok as a first up of the species, I guess. Guessing the original was dark too. Evidence of Haloing etc. we found a couple of these nesting. One pair nested in same tree as goshawks which waited for the chicks and ate em
    Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


    • seaslug
      seaslug commented
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      You can't expect a $500 camera to perform like a multi-thousand dollar outfit. I think it did a reasonable job given the conditions.. it's a very heavy crop on a tiny sensor.

  • #3
    Is that at full zoom Greg?
    Hopefully he/she gets in a better position next time
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • seaslug
      seaslug commented
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      Yes Barb. 600mm equ. It was a fair way away..

      I was working at the top of Western Hill at the Arboretum when I saw the birds. They were close on bare branches but as I was manhandling a mower I didn't have a camera with me. By the time I went to the car and climbed back to where they were of course Murphy's law intervened, and they had shifted to a conifer and were sitting right at the top. Despite my encouragement, they stayed well away and took off finally into the thick stuff!

      Maybe a while before I get another shot at them as I'm heading off to Lord Howe Island in a week and a half.. Hope for some better shots there but still only taking the Panasonics due to weight restrictions on the aircraft

    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      fz300 will be ideal to take with you .... make sure you pack the charger

      Should be lots to capture over there ... expect to see some wonderful images upon your return. Enjoy your trip