this pelican decided to have a bath right in front of me, so had to get a few pix..
loved how the water drops sort of frame it up.

d4 600f4 1/4000 f5.6 iso 1600 full frame.
I like to hit the duckpond in late arvo light, and norwester if possible.
the birds take off and land into the wind and bathe also. if you got norwester, you got the light behind you and the wind so they take off and do stuff facing you.
also if flying, probably go a bit slower depending on how hard it blowing
loved how the water drops sort of frame it up.

d4 600f4 1/4000 f5.6 iso 1600 full frame.
I like to hit the duckpond in late arvo light, and norwester if possible.
the birds take off and land into the wind and bathe also. if you got norwester, you got the light behind you and the wind so they take off and do stuff facing you.
also if flying, probably go a bit slower depending on how hard it blowing