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Well Alan, I've seen a few worse photos with focus problems. I think this is pretty good IMO. You get to see quite a v ariety of birds at the beach! I do like the small text under the photo with exif and a short workflow. Maye we could all do that - with your approval of course! We could call it the "ALTEXT". And why not have something named after you? Lots of things and ideas are named after the original inventor and/or ideas man/woman. Her's a few that come to mind and I think it would be a good fit.
FERRIS WHEEL - invented by George W. G. Ferris (1893)
BRAILLE - invented by Louis Braille a French teacher.
DIESEL - after Rudolf Diesel a French-born German engineer
PILATES - got its name from Joseph Pilates, a German-born physical fitness specialist.
KALASHNIKOV - invented by Russian lieutenant and small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. Nicknames the AK-47.
ALTEXT - invented by Photoholics Anonymous super photographer Alan to inform his fellow togs of how he achieved the terrific results for his posted images.
HEIMLICH MANOEUVRE - named after Henry Judah Heimlich, an American doctor who developed it in the 1970s.
ISAC MATTES - The poor man's matte board you apply in Photoshop if you can't afford your own matte boards.Last edited by Isac; 17-05-2016, 12:20 PM.I Shoot A Canon
Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Thanks Isac for your kind words.
I'm a member of the 'Feathers and Photos' Forum and it is mandatory to post all the exposure and processing details etc along with any attraction aids or techniques etc, in a thread template.
Some months ago I did suggest to someone posting in the Bird Forum here that some camera/lens/exposure details etc could be useful to novices and experienced photographers alike in commenting or providing feedback/suggestions etc, but it didn't seem to go down that well.
But a lot of photos have the Exif data attached anyway (unless it's been stripped), which can be viewed with something like 'Exif View' - as well as in my case, by clicking through to my Flickr image..
But yes Isac, it just makes it easier if the info is already supplied for those interested.
I find the F&P template a bit of a pain to fill in, but it doesn't take that long and it means one gets to see how the real experts do it
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