Stilt dabbling.
Stilt dabble by Joanne, on Flickr
Great Egret successfully capturing some breakfast.
Little egret with fish by Joanne, on Flickr
Pelican having a bit of a preen. Just love this light.
pelican preen by Joanne, on Flickr
Not so common - common greenshank
greenshank by Joanne, on Flickr
This white faced heron was peeking of the broken fence and seemed to be saying "why are you lying belly down in mud".
white faces heron wondering what I'm lying on the ground for. by Joanne, on Flickr
I cut off the feet so used Caralan's trick and put some back on the Great egret..can you tell?
Great egret fly by by Joanne, on Flickr
Thank you for looking and indulging me. My holidays are coming to an end soon and the weather looks a bit wet for a few days. So.....
But at least I have the pictures to make me
Feel free to critique away... I can take it

Great Egret successfully capturing some breakfast.

Pelican having a bit of a preen. Just love this light.

Not so common - common greenshank

This white faced heron was peeking of the broken fence and seemed to be saying "why are you lying belly down in mud".

I cut off the feet so used Caralan's trick and put some back on the Great egret..can you tell?

Thank you for looking and indulging me. My holidays are coming to an end soon and the weather looks a bit wet for a few days. So.....

But at least I have the pictures to make me

Feel free to critique away... I can take it
