I'm doing a couple of days a week in IT and photography for the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre in the foothills at Martin in the Perth foothills. I also do their flyers and ads etc for their facebook account. It's very rewarding work and gets me out of the house! Here's a few from yesterday. These birds are off to Kangaroo Island in S.A. and as they can't be released back into the wild, they are going to use them for displays, education and general awareness of the plight of these beautiful birds. Scientific name: Calyptorhynchus bankssi naso
Common name: Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Other names: Karrak (Noongar), Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo (south-western)
#1 - First of the two Juveniles heading to S.A.

#2 - Second of the two Juveniles heading to S.A.

#3 - Male Forest Red Tailed Cockatoo.

#4 - Male Forest Red Tailed Cockatoo getting friendly before a feed of seeds and gum nuts.
Common name: Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Other names: Karrak (Noongar), Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo (south-western)
#1 - First of the two Juveniles heading to S.A.
#2 - Second of the two Juveniles heading to S.A.
#3 - Male Forest Red Tailed Cockatoo.
#4 - Male Forest Red Tailed Cockatoo getting friendly before a feed of seeds and gum nuts.