Went to the local lake yesterday and snapped a couple of birds and ducks.
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
A strong series Isac and good to see you have some water in the lake, hope it survives the summer.
Really like the high stepping pose captured with the Mallards, easy to see where the expression like a duck out of water originated.
I find the two Heron images intriguing because the second image should be seen as the "better" image because in the first the bird is almost completely obscured by reeds.
But I prefer the first.
Bird in habitat images are a favourite of mine and the perfect composition you have captured here makes this a stellar image in my opinion. A few millemetres either way and the eye would be obscured and the image would fail. Good work sir.
I'd be tempted to perhaps run the burn tool over the bright reeds on the right just to tone them down enough so they don't compete with the bird. But that's a minor quibble as they are well away from the main focal element and could be left as is.
Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins
Great set - those little grebes always look so cute and well timed capture of the marching ducks. I agree with Mick that first Heron image is very intriguing.
Glad you like Mick and P Plates. Agree about the burn tool Mick, I didn't notice it. Funny how we get focused on the main attraction in an image and don't notice other parts that need a little adjustment here and there. See, I've learnt something today - thanks Sir. P Plates, that mallard rules the lake and struts up to anyone like a dog would - she is so friendly. I can only get the back end of grebes, because they take off as soon as I get close enough for a shot. All these lake photos were taken with the 150-500 siggy. I have taken some good advice by a friend about setting up the 7D for better photos, especially with using back button focus instead of half way shutter button. Also keep to small (4.5mb) or medium (8mb) and don't use FINE. The images come out sharper and if your not printing them to fit a 3m wall, it works great. I should go back and see if I can see the heron, because I have never seen one before.
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Yeah Mick. I used it a few times but didn't think twice about it, but now I'm with you - BBF is brilliant and a lot more accurate - I think that's why the eye on the Night Heron was easy to get right with spot focus. The 7D is quite a good camera with heaps of settings. I've also cancelled the AF-ON button so I don't hit the wrong button.
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.