I put this here because it covers several forum sub categories.
I have a trial of DXO Pure RAW2 and so far I am impressed. It works as a plug in for LR, it supports Fuji X-trans and it seems to work very well.
All X-T3 and 55-200
Driverless 2A passes Nobelius Station, ISO 2500

Emerald Lake Park in winter. ISO 2000

Fence and barbed wire. ISO 10,000

I have a trial of DXO Pure RAW2 and so far I am impressed. It works as a plug in for LR, it supports Fuji X-trans and it seems to work very well.
All X-T3 and 55-200
Driverless 2A passes Nobelius Station, ISO 2500

Emerald Lake Park in winter. ISO 2000

Fence and barbed wire. ISO 10,000
