I spent hours on this edit today, and several phone calls to Isac. The end result is pretty cool, but the tutorial is one of the worst I have ever used. So many intermediate steps left out.
Point taken Toddy. It's funny the things we notice after the event. I suppose if I had that type of end result in mind I would have asked him to choose a china mug and remove the GPS.
Forgot all about the race, I was too busy trying to edit a photo. I am always amazed at how these guys get up from coming off at such high speeds. The first thing they usually do is try and get the bike going again, talk about being focused.
It's simply a cut and paste process I use. Under Edit, select the head and copy it, then cut the original. Paste the head back in which is free to be moved or transformed as it's a new layer. Select edit/transform/flip horizontal then position it where the original was. Tidy up around the edges with eraser. Blur the background a little to make cloning easier. Merge the layers and clone any blank or out of place spots. Run it through Nik Effex silver for the aged photo look and that's about it.
Here's another edit for your Trumphy shot.
I know - I'm a sick man, but it's just great to get off your meds now and then
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Okay, so I'm having a go at turning heads .
Selected the guys head with plenty of space. CTRL J to insert in to a new layer, Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal.
What blend mode and opacity should I use, I'm assuming %100 opacity?
I have aligned where the neck meets the T-shirt collar for starters.
Where do I go now?
Use the eraser to get rid of the unwanted over lap then merge the layers. You should then be able to tidy up with clone. Retain 100% opacity and you may want to experiment with blending. I normally just clone or blur edges manually to get the effect I want. For me it's just a bit of fun, I don't do it seriously.
Don't change the blend modes and opacity of the new layer. Copy the BG layer then turn off it's visibility. Reduce the opacity of the BG Copy to about 75% and you'll see what needs to be erased.
1. Remnant of sunglasses lens
2. Remnant of beard
3. Remnant of hair
When I start erasing around the RHS of the cap the "old cap starts showing through.