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  • O.oh ....

    Dave is in some serious trouble ....

    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"

  • #2
    Very interesting Barb. They might both be in trouble if that "thing" in the window comes to life. Great fun image and the PP is up to your normal standard (Very High!).
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      haha, thanks Isac ..... yes that 'thing' is zombie spike and you definitely don't want to meet him anywhere, anytime .... especially with nightfall approaching. Dave is waiting for a ride home.
      The green thing is "Old English Sheep-Bog" from the Ugglys Pet Shop collection (one of my toys).

      Duplex filter in nik colour efexpro was applied after composite was achieved and the blue tint is achieved courtesy of 'onOne Movie Looks Arkham' filter minus the grain.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I've got all that down in my notebook Barb!

  • #3
    You and your toys! You should illustrate a book.


    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      haha, love my toys Greg

      Will have to make up a toy book for Charlie (grandson) .... but I think his first one should contain 'less dark' stories than the above

    • seaslug
      seaslug commented
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      My Mother used to make children's books (Hand illustrated), she did two for her Grand kids (4 of whom were my daughters) and several other books of a historical nature for the families and community.

      They are a beaut keepsake. I'm sure you could do something with the talent you have.

    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      Sounds like your mum's quite talented.

      I procrastinate too much (have been going to put one of my creations in the local art show - but I never get around to getting one framed for it)..... maybe one day I will get myself organised.

  • #4
    Originally posted by seaslug View Post
    You and your toys! You should illustrate a book.
    Damn, I said that in the other post.........


    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      haha ... twice the compliment

  • #5
    Nice work with creating a creepy mood and a fun image.
    Haven't been there, not done that.


    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      Thanks Jo
      I seem to be drawn to that genre ...