Aboriginal people used to collect cockles from the creek system at the base of this dune. Countless thousands of shells on this dune and surrounds.
I'm trying to produce a few images with a Broome flavour for an exhibition and thought this one would suit. First of many from this upcoming storm season I hope!
The idea of an exhibition was dead in the water due to a lack of finance but things are looking up. Currently saving for a printer and once that materialises I'm good to go.
Plan to exhibit some desert images but feel the need to present a few Broomy ones as well. All will be b&w btw
With this image I liked the curve of the dune, the shells obviously, the line of thin cloud that runs across the image just above the small tree. Decided not to crop at all because I like the dark sky at top as it frames the image.
Exif: Sigma dp2 Merrill 1/400 f/11 i100

I'm trying to produce a few images with a Broome flavour for an exhibition and thought this one would suit. First of many from this upcoming storm season I hope!
The idea of an exhibition was dead in the water due to a lack of finance but things are looking up. Currently saving for a printer and once that materialises I'm good to go.

Plan to exhibit some desert images but feel the need to present a few Broomy ones as well. All will be b&w btw
With this image I liked the curve of the dune, the shells obviously, the line of thin cloud that runs across the image just above the small tree. Decided not to crop at all because I like the dark sky at top as it frames the image.
Exif: Sigma dp2 Merrill 1/400 f/11 i100