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Not grabbing me in the same way the Zoom Zoom images did and I think the main reason for that would be the light. The first looks slightly harsh and the second just a little flat, but I'm being incredibly picky here. (Landcruisers are not cheap so attention to detail is important to maximize profit!...mate)
But I must say I love the concept and the second one still has strong appeal with it's lovely depiction of the shape and curves of our beloved Eucalypts. The blur accentuates those lines beautifully.
In fact the second image brought to mind a short doco I watched quite a few years ago where a couple of blokes were out bush measuring the curves and shapes of Eucalypts with an eye to replicating those forms in furniture they were creating. All handmade high end arty type chairs and tables and things using the best Australian timbers they could lay their hands on.
I found their approach quite inspiring and thought provoking.-----------------------------------------------------
Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins
These are indeed very revealing Alan. I can't really post all of the details revealed to me, so I may have to PM you. This is a family friendly forum, after all.
To summarise, if these were paintings Alan, I'd say you were a Romatic Ruralist. You have that ability to imbue bucolic forms with elements of "The Romantic" but also, most importantly, allow them to maintain their dignity. They show a bold regularity and in the case of #2, an obvious symmetry.The feeling of movement is powerful and immediate.
For these are not just images of trees, no matter how weird they look. While the leap for a contextual answer, both as a means of understanding your work and relieving cognitive dissonance, is highly attractive, it cannot help but limit the scope of your images and halt the essential process of exploration. And we wouldn't want that, would we?Last edited by sejac; 07-05-2014, 03:13 PM.Charles
My indecision is final, I think.
Thanks Mick - sorry, I didn't realise how expensive 4X4s were. Point taken
The chair idea sounds interesting
:excited:Romantic Ruralist - that does have a nice ring to it- thanks for working that out Charles. (not sure where my Seascapes fit in there, but I'm sure you have a theory for that too)
Yes, I am a frustrated painter , as you have summised, and your analysis of my work is both profound and inspired. 'Bold regularity' is something I strive for - but seldom achieve these days, (but I digress)
And no Charles, we certainly wouldn't want to, "limit the scope of my images and halt the essential process of exploration"
Thanks for not revealing all the other details here
CheersLast edited by Alan; 07-05-2014, 04:10 PM.