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  • Misery

    At long last I've been dabbling back in my favourite genre, combining my photographs with my 3D items. Pete and I went to Mt. Wellington summit a week or so ago and it was snowing lightly, before my fingies fruz I managed to take some pics of a stone building up top with the intention of making a stark, miserable and cold scene, then I added a Poser horse and this is my result. Gee I had fun after such a long time.


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  • #2
    Good to see the creative juices flowing and you posting again.

    Welcome back. (We've all missed you )


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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    • #3
      Well to this tropical lad it certainly looks stark, miserable and cold. And yeah, good to see you back.

      Now that you're a mod I've told Alan and Charles they will have to be on their best behaviour, tried my best in your absence Jenne, truly, but those two boys...well, you know what they're like!

      (And if the fine wine and cognac are missing from the fridge in the back room I know who I'd be looking at. I'll not name names...far be it from me to stir up any trouble or start malicious rumours but think of the word poodle and your half way there.)
      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • #4
        Hmmmm well thanks for trying anyway Mick, maybe between the two of us we can whip them into shape - maybe we can have a cat photo competition - no poodles allowed of course, I think that might do the trick, and I have bought a huge lock for my fridge, suggest we all do that just in case the poodles get too thirsty.

        My Gallery
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        • #5
          Looks amazing Jenne - certainly well named, bleak cold scene and the horse looks suitably miserable.


          • #6
            thats very good imo

