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  • G’day again

    Hi everyone, I haven’t been on the forum for a couple of years. I see a few names that I remember, some may remember me.
    I haven’t been using my camera much since I was on here last. Though I do have a couple of shots that I might post later.

    The time has come for me to upgrade my photo editing software, I have used Apple aperture in the past, but it’s no longer supported, and won’t run on the new Apple operating system. I guess I will go with Adobe, unless someone offers a better solution.
    I am a bit confused with the adobe options, I see there are a couple of ways I could go, there are a couple of options for $14.99 a month that I would consider, hopefully someone can advise which way to go.
    I have a busy life, and not much spare time to learn a new system , so I guess I would mostly use Lightroom, and Photoshop to a limited extent.

    Anyone willing to offer some advice here ?
    Cheers, Brad.

  • #2
    Great to see you pop in Brad! How are you? We've missed you (along with others who have not been here for a while). I only use Photoshop as it does all that Lightroom does for what I need. As well as editing, I also do graphic design, adverts, flyers and posters so Photoshop covers all that well. The software you choose will probably depend on your requirements or editing needs. I'm sure you come up with something. Affinity Photo is cheaper than subscription and has good reviews - It even does great RAW processing. I think you have used it in the past but not certain. It has the same sort of feel and GUI as Photoshop. There may be some others here that use it so I hope they will chime with some thoughts and ideas for you. Again, great to catch up.

    Edit: I just watched this video and I'm impressed with the development of Affinity since I had it a few years ago.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      Hi Isac, thanks for your wisdom on this matter. Yes, I have used Affinity in the past, I struggled with it, ussually just went back to Aperture and the Nik tools, both of which I loved.
      I never went too far with Affinity, because they never came through with the promise of a DAM. Maybe this has changed, I have not checked for ages.
      I would like a system that does everything I need, which is why I was leaning towards Lightroom.
      Cheers, Brad.


      • #4
        Welcome back Brad
        I use Lightroom and Photoshop. I used to use ACDSee and Photoshop but when I upgraded to the latest version of Photoshop I switched to Lightroom for the DAM as it was included in the package.

        With Lightroom's new masking abilities I find that it is all that I need for most images. I still use Photoshop for content aware fill, more complex processing and if I want to use the Nik software. You can use Nik with Lightroom, but it is more convenient in Photoshop.

        I'm not keen on the monthly payment, but you do always have the latest version without up-front costs.

        There is a bit of a learning curve but I didn't find it too difficult.
        Alan W

        My Gallery


        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks Alan. Yes Lightroom is attractive due to the DAM. I compared a few programs a couple of years ago, trying to decide on a new editing software, Lightroom was looking pretty good back then, it still seems to be a front runner.
          The monthly payment always was a turnoff for me too, but I have gotten over the monthly payment for Spotify now, so maybe I can get over the Adobe payment as well.

      • #5
        G'day Brad, fancy seeing you here I am also a Photoshop user and have the Photography Plan at A$14.29/month. I tried the trial offers of some other software, but the muscle memory is too ingrained in Photoshop to change to a new software package.
        My Gear


        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
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          Hi John, good to see you here again. Are you on the 20mb plan ? I see there are other options with 1Tb, but I really don’t think I need that. Will have to study the options a bit more closely before deciding anything.
          Do you use photoshop much ?

        • Grumpy John
          Grumpy John commented
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          I'm on the very basic plan. I don't use the cloud as such, I have portable hard drives. I prefer to be in control of my images.
          My photography has been on and off this year for a couple of different reasons. At the moment we are in the process of selling our house and downsizing into a lifestyle village, so very little time for photography for a few weeks at least.

        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
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          Yeah, I checked out the different plans a bit more last night. I think I’ll probably go with the basic one too. I can’t imagine I’d use the cloud for storage either.

      • #6
        welcome back.
        Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks Stephen. I have enjoyed looking at your recent posts, you certainly haven’t lost your touch.

      • #7
        Thanks mate
        Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


        • #8
          G'day Mate

          Good to see you back again - and I will look fwd to many more of your beaut images

          Software-wise .... I like it easy 'n simple and use PS Elements
          Simple it may appear to be, but even with all its tools and tricks and other stuff, I am only scratching the surface of its capabilities
          $127 outright licence-to-use purchase from various chain stores

          > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
          > recent images at


          • Ironwood
            Ironwood commented
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            Hi Phil. Thanks for the welcome back. I will goggle the elements.

          • Ozzie_Traveller
            Ozzie_Traveller commented
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            I did a posting here a month-6 weeks back for Isac & others showing all the drop-down menu options for Elements 2022
            Perhaps Isac can find the link ind show it ... hopefully it will help a bit

        • #9
          Hi Brad


          • Ironwood
            Ironwood commented
            Editing a comment
            Hi Sharon, great to see you here.

        • #10
          Is this the post to which you were referring Ozzie_Traveller ?
          My Gear


          • Ozzie_Traveller
            Ozzie_Traveller commented
            Editing a comment
            Thank you John - yes it has the drop downs listed lower down the page ... but the product still gives me the heebies via its being dumbed-down for new users. eg: every time I click the crop tool, it automatically loads a ROT grid across the image and tries to do its own crop of whatever the AI seems to think I am after

            I'm gunna have to accept its foibles as I don't want to do to a monthly payment plan for any software, regardless of whose name is upon it

          • Grumpy John
            Grumpy John commented
            Editing a comment
            Surely you have the option to customise the way the crop tool looks. There are many options in Photoshop including the option to never show overlay.

        • #11
          I had a look at elements, and a couple of utube vids of Lightroom, nothing I see makes me want to jump in, I prefer the simplicity and ease of my old favourite, aperture.
          I started to apply for the free 7 day trial of the adobe photography plan, but stopped when they wanted me to enter my bank details to continue.
          Cheers, Brad.

