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  • It's been a while ...

    Hi all ..... it's been a while since I was last here .... have been busy working on my creative side and creating digital art.
    Thanks Alan for suggesting I come back (and thanks brain cells for remembering my password)
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"

  • #2
    Great to have you back Barb
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3

      Maybe you'll start a trend

      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

      Flickr Instagram


      • Isac
        Isac commented
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        I do hope so Alan!

    • #4
      Originally posted by Isac View Post
      Great to have you back Barb
      Thanks very much Isac
      "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


      • #5
        Originally posted by Alan View Post

        Maybe you'll start a trend
        Thanks Alan

        "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


        • #6
          Good on you Barb. It's been too long. Are you able to post up some of your recent digital work?

          My indecision is final, I think.


          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Thanks Charles

            Shall post digital art shortly.

        • #7
          Hi Barb and welcome back from me, who has been absent for even longer than you. Is the trend Alan was speaking of? Anyway yes and I too would love to see what you have been up to. I haven't even been on Flickr, so there you are.

          My Gallery
          My Flickr Gallery


          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Thanks Jenne and welcome back to you too
            I have closed my Flickr account ...... I post most of my stuff on G+

        • #8
          Welcome back to both Jenne and Barb................


          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Thank you Eaglem.

          • jenne
            jenne commented
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            And from me too Eaglem

        • #9
          Great to see you back Jenne. (even if briefly)

          Yes, I was hoping the return of Barb might encourage a gender rebalance here

          A convoluted piece of pasta has also been doing amazing things since leaving here some time ago. (hopefully there is not a causal relationship thing going on?)

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • jenne
            jenne commented
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            Ummmm what ?????
            and it's good to catch up again too Alan.
            I just get so busy I forget about things.
            My Mum died a month ago and was buried 12 months to the day when we buried Dad and my son had a daughter, so I'm a first time grandma, so my head is in an up and down spin as usual.

          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Sorry to hear about your mum (and dad) Jenne
            Congrats on being first time grandma
            Our daughter is about to give birth to our first grandchild .... will be induced next Tuesday evening if not arrived before. He will be born with a cleft lip and palate ..... so our heads are in a spin too at the moment.

          • jenne
            jenne commented
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            Thanks Barb, yeah poor old Mum and Dad. My grand daughter was born last Sunday 12th so very new and I'm flying over to Victoria to have a look lol next week for a couple of days.
            That's great about a new grandson and sorry about his cleft lip and palate, but he can have a little work done perhaps to make it easier for him, but he will still be a little cuddly darling for you to love and enjoy.

        • #10
          It's like a family reunion!!
          Been a while for me too.
          I've been giving up things I used to do, to do other things I want to do more.
          And then I got lazy again and did little.

          Nice to see familiar faces still around.
          I'll share some pics from recent adventures
          Off to Sydney for the weekend, so hopefully will get to Trey Ratcliffe's photo walk tomorrow afternoon, Vivid Sydney in the evening, and the Footy on Sunday!!

          Congrats Jenne on being a Grandma.
          D7100, SB700. PS CS5, LR 4.4 - Flickr


          • jenne
            jenne commented
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            Thank you Scott and welcome back too, I haven't seen your FB recently, must give it a nudge but I'm saying again how much I enjoyed your trip OS last year, your images were so enjoyable.
            Enjoy your Sydney trip, lots of things to do, so looking forward to pics from you.

          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Welcome back Scott

        • #11
          AP has been very ill lately but it now seems it's getting stronger every day !!
          Thanks must go to those "old" members who have decided to come back home where they belong - your input is invaluable!
          So to those members, Toddyh, ScottH, Jenne, Sully and others I may have missed, a huge "W E L C O M E B A C K" from all of us here at AP.
          We have lost quite a few members in recent times and those of us who have kept AP afloat really appreciate your return. W E M I S S E D Y O U !
          Congratulations to all those who have become Nannas and Granddads recently. Aint life grand?

          Unfortunately (depends on what side of the fence you are on) I have a GREAT Grandson, 5 years old, who lives in Toowoomba and we don't see him to often - except on Skype - so at least he knows what we look like.
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


          • Sully
            Sully commented
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            Thanks Isac ..... it's good to be back

            I may get to see a great grandson .... but won't be holding my breath lol

            Thank goodness for technology in helping us visually stay in contact with family and friends ... without leaving the confines of our 4 walls

          • jenne
            jenne commented
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            Thank you for your welcome back Isac, I always feel like I'm home here. Pretty sad about your great grandson being so far away, that must tug at your heartstrings a lot, it's a long way in between. Maybe you could get a camel train and trek back and forth, the photos would be magical, plus the welcome at both ends

          • Isac
            Isac commented
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            Thanks Sully and Jenne. No plans for camels at the mo and yes, Skype is rather special. I might grab a snap next time he is on.

        • #12
          I'll try and get more involved again.
          I'm away again this weekend, so hopefully some more photo ops.
          Have many photos from Sydney, now to find time to process them.
          I met Trey Ratcliff on Saturday at a Photo walk he was hosting.
          A really nice genuine guy. Had a fun afternoon.
          D7100, SB700. PS CS5, LR 4.4 - Flickr


          • #13
            I've missed you all! It can get lonely here sometimes, you know. And if you don't stay, to quote the great Aunty Jack, "I'll come around to your house and rip your bloody arms off!" (I'm old enough to have seen the original Aunty Jack when she came out on TV.)

            Now all we have to do is find out where Mick (loose cannon) is. He can be a worry.

            My indecision is final, I think.


            • seaslug
              seaslug commented
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              And Gabby (PP)